Index Projects
Documenting Artwork
Index Projects is designed to document artwork and share the records you create on your terms - if, when, and how you want to share.
Whether you are an artist, curator, collector, or catalogue raisonné scholar, the artwork you are passionate about deserves comprehensive documentation.
Index Projects is a cataloging platform anyone can learn to use. No special software skills needed.

Index Projects allows anyone to create permanent, online records of artwork.
Manage catalog with any device.
Automatic daily backups.
No need to maintain software.
Computer upgrades without data worries.
You are the only one with "add-change-delete" authority. But you decide who can view your records:
Restricted access - only you can view the catalog;
Access via username and password; or,
Allow anyone with an Internet connection to view the catalog.
Find all the details in How It Works: